3 resultados relacionados con "Vargas,Colomban d.".
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The emergence of pottery: technology and innovation in ancient societies

Industries, Prehistoric, Themes, motives, Pottery

Año de publicación: 1995

Global warming and climate change: prospects and policies in Asia and Europe / edited by Antonio Marquina.

363.73874, Dewey: 363.73874, Climatic changes Environmental aspects Asia., Climatic changes Environmental aspects Europe., Climatic changes Government policy Asia., Climatic changes Government policy Europe., Global warming Government policy Asia., Global warming Government policy Europe.

Año de publicación: 2010

Artículo de revista
Membrane Lipids of Symbiotic Algae Are Diagnostic of Sensitivity to Thermal Bleaching in Corals

Ecology, Research, Coral reefs, temperature, Anthozoa - metabolism, Chlorophyll - metabolism, Biological Sciences, Algae, DNA, Lipids, Ribosomal - genetics, Photosynthesis - radiation effects, Eukaryota - metabolism, Eukaryota - ultrastructure, Symbiosis - radiation effects, Thylakoids - ultrastructure, Anthozoa - radiation effects, Eukaryota - chemistry, Me...

Año de publicación: 2004